Saturday, October 31, 2015

A True Rare Beauty - Update!

The Topaz was 2012 Carats before trimming and pre-forming this stone.  Link to original story

Here is the current cutting and polishing of the pavilion and crown of this exceptional cutting project. The close up shots are final polishes and the topaz gem transfer shows the cutting of the crown.  More updates coming! Stay tuned for the final photos of this amazing Huge Unheated Blue Topaz from Nigeria!
by Matt A. Dunkle.

This is the crown being cut to shape. The next steps will be to pre-polish the crown, then cut the table. After the table has been cut and pre-polished, then the final polish will be done on this gorgeous stone. Because of it's large table, care and precision are given to each and every touch of the stone to the polishing lap. The diamond polish is very very fine and can scratch the large table's surface even with the most gentle of care. This is where the time and patience comes in to play. With a steady hand and keen eye to detail, patience and slow polishing, the stone will become a remarkable stone to behold. I am so anxious to see the finished results. 
Stay tuned, this project is in it's final stage and the resulting masterpiece will be a sight to hold!

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